
The PA systems in the Now Building, Now Trending and Now Arcade utilise an L-Acoustics L-ISA immersive hyperreal sound system. This allows for object-based mixing, rather than the traditional stereo based approach, which adds a multidimensional layer to the mix. An object-based mix enables instruments to be localized, scaled, and moved to their actual location.

The Now Building

The system in the Now Building is highly configurable and can be set up as a full L-ISA system with up to 64 stems being routed to the L-ISA processor via Dante. It can also be set up as a traditional L/R system.
Alternatively, the system can be configured into zones, playing back different sources to each wall or corner, for instance.


The PA system in The Now Building ‘zone’ is comprised of 62 channels of the following speakers:

Hero (South) Wall

  • 24 x X4i speakers mounted below the main screen. All on own channel
  • 12 x SB10i subs
  • 2 x SYVA on the left and right of the screen

North Wall

  • 5 x A10i speakers mounted at transom (above doors, below screen) level
  • 2 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at transom level
  • 4 x X4i speakers mounted in the drainage channel

East Wall

  • 2 x A10i speakers mounted at transom level
  • 2 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at transom level
  • 3 x X4i speakers mounted in the drainage channel

West Wall

  • 4 x A10i speakers mounted at transom level
  • 3 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at transom level
  • 5 x X4i speakers mounted in the drainage channel

Optional Additions

Cinema System

The system can also be augmented with 3 Stacks of SYVA and SYVA LOWs in front of the main hero (South) wall screen when centre channels are required for screening films. The system has also been designed to accommodate a Dolby Atmos processor via Dolby Connect.

Flown System

The Now Building ‘zone’ also allows for speakers to be flown at certain rigging points that contain Audio signal and speaker links to the guest patch rack in the basement. See the rigging section for more details.


Our standard configuration is for playback of audio content on our Ventuz media servers. Up to 12 channels or objects are sent to L-ISA via Dante where they are positioned and tracked throughout the space by data generated by the Ventuz media servers. This data is shared with the L-ISA processors via OSC. However, for events the following options are also available:

  • Mixing desk at the FOH or stage location. The desk would connect via Dante, or analogue signals to the L-ISA system. Up to 64 objects can be used via Dante or 8 via analogue signal inputs. The L-ISA system can be controlled directly on a mixing desk (via L-ISA DeskLink – Certain Digico, AVID, Yamaha & SSL desks only) or via the L-ISA controller software
  • QLAB playback. 64 channels of audio can be played back on QLAB directly into the L-ISA processor. QLAB can be used in conjunction with L-ISA controller software through advanced OSC integration
  • DJ or Stereo input directly into one of the main floor box inputs or via an Analogue to Dante dongle at one of the smaller floor boxes
  • Analogue, AES and Dante inputs in the guest patch room. Could be used for production media servers temporarily located in the guest patch room

Please note: Equipment to facilitate the above is not currently provided as part of the Outernet London in-house set-up.

Now Trending

Like the system in The Now Building, the system in Now Trending is highly configurable and can be set up as a full L-ISA system with up to 64 stems being routed to the L-ISA processor via Dante.

Alternatively, the system could be configured into zones, playing back different sources to each wall or corner if required. The system could also be configured to play back common surround-sound formats.


The PA system in the Now Trending ‘zone’ is comprised of 62 channels of the following speakers:

LED Walls

  • 20 x X4i speakers mounted below the main screen.
  • 10 x SB10i subs

North Wall

  • 7 x 5XT speakers mounted at ceiling level
  • 2 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at ceiling level
  • 7 x X4i speakers mounted in the drainage channel

West Wall

  • 7 x 5XT speakers mounted at ceiling level
  • 2 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at transom level
  • 7 x X4i speakers mounted in the drainage channel


Our standard configuration is for playback of audio content on our Ventuz media servers. However, for events the following options are also available:

  • Mixing desk – would connect via a stereo analogue signal directly into the system via the LEFT and RIGHT XLR on the panel. If more inputs are required, then using the ethernet tie lines and patching into the Dante network in the guest patch rack would provide up to 13 feeds. The final option would be to utilise the mobile connectivity rack, connected into the Q-SYS network ports, and its 8 analogue inputs. These signals would then be patched as required in the Q-SYS GUI
  • QLAB playback – 13 channels of audio can be played back on QLAB directly into the system
  • DJ or Stereo Input – the desk would connect via a stereo analogue signal directly into the system via the LEFT and RIGHT XLR on the panel
  • Analogue, AES and Dante inputs in the guest patch room – could be used for production media servers temporarily located in the guest patch room

Please note: Equipment to facilitate the above is not currently provided as part of the Outernet London in-house set-up.

Now Pop One and Now Pop Two

Sound systems in both pop-up retail units are not a L-ISA system, but operate as immersive surround sound systems focusing on video content from the in-house Ventuz media servers. However, the system can be easily configured to suit any event. This could be a simple mono system playing back music from an iPod through to a 7.1 system for film events, for example.


The PA system in Now Pop One (Charing Cross Road frontage) is comprised of 16 channels of the following speakers:

  • 14 x 5XTs
  • 2 x SYVA LOW

The PA system in Now Pop Two (‘Runway’ frontage) is comprised of 13 channels of the following speakers:

  • 12 x 5XTs
  • 1 x SYVA LOW


Our standard configuration is for playback of audio content on our Ventuz media servers. However, for events the following options are also available:

  • Mixing desk – the desk would connect via a stereo analogue signal directly into the system via the LEFT and RIGHT XLR on the panel. If more inputs are required, then using the ethernet tie lines and patching into the Dante network in the guest patch rack would provide up to 13 feeds. The final option would be to utilise the mobile connectivity rack, connected into the Q-SYS network ports, and its 8 analogue inputs. These signals would then be patched as required in the Q-SYS GUI
  • QLAB playback – 13 channels of audio can be played back on QLAB directly into the system
  • DJ or Stereo Input – the desk would connect via a stereo analogue signal directly into the system via the LEFT and RIGHT XLR on the panel
  • Analogue, AES and Dante inputs in the Guest patch room. Could be used for production media servers temporarily located in the guest patch room

Please note: Equipment to facilitate the above is not currently provided as part of the Outernet London in-house set-up.

Now Arcade

The PA system in Now Arcade is comprised of 62 channels of the following speakers:

LED Walls

  • 19 x X4i speakers mounted below the main screens
  • 2 x SYVA LOW speakers mounted at high level

The system in the Arcade is designed to playback audio content from the Ventuz Media Servers or QLAB system via a L-ISA processor. The system is not configurable and does not have any guest patch connectivity.

Outernet London works exclusively with Delta Live – please see Preferred Suppliers.

Outernet London
Outernet Building, London

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