Display Vehicle Protocols

Any display vehicle being brought into event spaces at Outernet London must be fully purged of fuel.

Confirmation of purging must be included in your Method Statement – see the Health and Safety section.

The Outernet London Safety Team reserves the right to inspect and test any vehicle while being unloaded ie before they come onsite. If fuel is found in the vehicle, access will be refused until the vehicle is fully purged of fuel.

All display cars must have boot, bonnet, petrol cap, windows and doors locked while the vehicle is unattended.

The vehicle’s battery can remain in position until the car is in place onsite, however once in position, the vehicle must be locked and the battery removed from the vehicle. (Only applicable for all petrol and diesel vehicles).

Any alarm must be disconnected / deactivated.

If the wider event activation (of which the vehicle forms a part) does not include a raised floor / covering, adequate protection must be included to ensure no damage to Outernet London’s floor.

Display vehicles must be pushed into position at max 3mph / walking speed.

Electric car protocols will vary depending on brand and model. Please describe your load in/out, and display protocols in your Method Statement for review and approval by the Outernet London Safety Team.  

Outernet London
Outernet Building, London

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