
If your event activation includes free-standing elements and / or electrical distribution, it must include a raised floor to ensure those elements are properly secured and electrical distribution is fully integrated.

Raised flooring must have an anti-slip quality (even when wet) and be flame retardant.

Raised flooring must have a chamfered (ramped) edge instead of a raised step in accordance with health and safety guidelines and be clearly defined to avoid slips / trips / falls.

Any floor covering not on a raised platform must be finished with adequate edging; for example Naplock edging to avoid frayed edges. NB Carpet tape and hazard tape used to secure edges will not be approved.

Access onto any raised platforms for wheelchair users must be considered; this includes chamfered edges / ramps which must be designed to the correct gradient per DDA (1995) regulations.

If for any reason this is not possible, please ensure any promotional material can be supplied to wheelchair users both on and off any raised area of flooring.

Outernet London
Outernet Building, London

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