Rate Card

Outernet London provides security and cleaning services centrally. Please brief our Client Services Team on your requirements.


Our in-house security team provide best-in-class security services, from stewarding and SIA door supervisors, to bespoke close protection services where required.

Security officer (SIA certified) - £26.00 / hour (minimum 8 hour call time).

Rates for all other security categories should be discussed with our Client Services Team and priced per brief.

Temporary access cards for the Production Office are avialbale upon request in advance via the Events Team. Lost passes will be charged at £20 per pass.


Outernet London’s contract cleaning service provides specialist event cleaning, including pre-doors (end-of-build) cleaning if needed, litter picking, and specialist cleaning services per brief. Where toilets are used, all consumables will be provided and recharged as appropriate.

Please note all Outernet London’s spaces are provided fully clean and must be returned in the same state.

Pre/post event clean - £179.00 per clean. Additional cleaner - £23.95 / hour.

Production / technical services

There may be additional costs for out-of-hours production support using Outernet London’s in-house technical teams. Please discuss your requirements with our Event Team for them to price per brief.

Outernet London
Outernet Building, London

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