Health and Safety Overview and Process

Safety is of paramount importance in all event planning. Prior to arriving at Outernet London to install your event activation, we’ll need you to submit comprehensive Health and Safety paperwork for review and feedback by the Outernet London Safety Team. Please be aware that any changes requested by the Safety Team must be made in a timely manner, and your event safety pack fully approved, before our Event Team will issue an Approval To Work Certificate.

Risk Assessment

Completing a full risk assessment (and fire risk assessment if relevant) is a fundamental part of a safe event installation. A fully approved risk assessment is also a legal requirement.

All contractors involved in any onsite work (including any maintenance work during the duration of your live activity) must have suitable, relevant, and sufficient risk assessments and method statements fully approved by the Outernet London Safety Team.

Your risk assessment must be written with full knowledge of the job being undertaken – it must include all potential identified risks and relevant mitigating measures. It should describe the operation and the risk(s) associated with it:

  • Who is at risk
  • The nature of the risk
  • Likelihood of it occurring
  • The scale of the risk
  • Likely severity should it occur
  • Controls put in place to mitigate the risk
  • The scale of the risk after control measure put in place

Prior to, during, and after set up of your event activation, please remain aware of your ongoing safety and the ongoing safety of your team and members of the public.

We are happy to accept your Risk Assessment in your preferred format.

Please Upload Your Risk Assessment and Method Statement Here

If you require assistance, please download our sample risk assessment and method statement template.

Download Sample Combined Risk Assessment and Method Statement

Method Statement

Completing a full method statement to accompany your risk assessment is also a legal requirement prior to starting your event installation.

The method statement is a detailed written description of how the work will be carried out, step by step.

The content of the method statement should be site and works specific, and must include:

  • contact details of your onsite team, both for the load-in-out periods and for the period your event activation is live
  • the role and responsibility for each team member onsite, as well as details of their operational competency (per CDM regulations)
  • details of PPE, and tools to be used
  • permit(s) to work, and why e.g. hot works
  • delivery details, shipping routes, rubbish clearance and disposal (remembering to use environmentally friendly methods wherever possible)
  • public, staff, and crew safety measures undertaken, including first aid and emergency kit onsite, emergency procedures and contingency plans

Please ensure that all contractors involved in the installation are provided with a copy of your Health and Safety pack. It’s imperative those undertaking the tasks detailed in the risk assessment and method statement have read, understood, and comply with the measures detailed in your Pack.

We are happy to accept your Risk Assessment in your preferred format.

Please Upload Your Risk Assessment and Method Statement Here

If you require assistance, please download our sample risk assessment and method statement template.

Download Sample Combined Risk Assessment and Method Statement


Public and Employers’ Liability insurance cover to a minimum of £10m is required for all event activations taking place at Outernet London. Please ensure relevant insurance certificates are included within your safety pack. Additionally please upload your insurance documents here

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

The use of substances and chemicals is strictly controlled within the working environment. Any substance or chemical required onsite during installation or removal of your event activation, or during the live period, must be noted in your Safety Pack along with the relevant Safety Data Sheet and COSHH assessment.

Hazard Awareness And Critical Control Points (HACCP)

HACCP is a systematic preventative approach to food safety and applies to all event activations involving food preparation, retailing or sampling. Please ensure a HACCP plan is included in your event safety pack if serving food. Guidance on COSHH and HACCP is available from the HSE.

Fire certificates

All materials used in any event activation must be flame retardant and conform to BS476: Part 7: 1997minimum Class 1/0 or harmonised European equivalent. All vertical surfaces in excess of 30m2 must be specified as Class 0, meaning it shall achieve both Class 1 performance to BS476: Part 7: 1997 surface spread of flame test for materials and shall achieve a fire propagation index of not more than 12 and a subindex of not more than 6 when tested to BS476: Part 6: 1989+A1:2009 Method of test for the fire propagation of products. Alternatively, materials tested to BS EN 13501: Part 1: 2002 and achieving EuroClass Bs-3, d2 shall be deemed acceptable. Please note: fire certification older than 5 years will not be permitted. Additionally, the validity of opinion of the test centre must not have expired.


Accident reporting

Please ensure that any accident occurring within the Outernet district is immediately reported to Outernet London’s Operations and Events team where Outernet will complete an incident report of its own. The employer of any injured personnel (or for the self-employed, themselves) must follow their own accident reporting procedure; at a minimum the use of an accident book. Outernet London may request copies of accident reports as part of any investigation.

Fire exits and extinguishers

All entrances, exits, and corridors must remain unobstructed at all times. Firefighting equipment must be kept clear and easily accessible. Neither they, nor signs indicating their positions, should be removed or obscured. Fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment must not be used for any purpose other than fighting fires, for example fire extinguishers are not to be used to prop open doors. You should include adequately assessed fire fighting equipment as part of your event activation. If your event activation is assessed once onsite to be lacking in required equipment, the Outernet London Event Team reserves the right to place additional equipment (at the client’s expense) in situ.

First aid

Outernet London’s security team includes a number of qualified first aiders. If you or a member of your team has an injury requiring attention, please report it immediately to the closest member of the security team. Please also consider carrying a first aid kit as part of your event activation. Download Our First Aid Policy Here

High security and VIP events

All high visibility event activations likely to attract the attention of the public over and above the normal operations of Outernet London must be discussed in detail with our Event and Safety teams. If you think your event activation requires a police presence, this must be planned in full consultation with Outernet London’s Event and Safety teams who will liaise with the Met Police and Camden Council accordingly.

Red carpet events and press pens

Outernet London is able to accommodate red carpet arrivals and associated press pen(s). Any red carpet event must be planned in full with Outernet London’s Event team. If your event activation requires a dedicated press pen, you must ensure you provide the appropriate barrier to secure it, and book appropriate security to help manage the area.

Special protection and high security searches

If your event activation includes the attendance of VIP guests requiring special protection, please liaise with their protection teams to advise on the level of searches and security required at Outernet London as part of the event plan, for example dog, chemical, and/or physical searches. These measures must be agreed in advance with the Outernet London Event, Security and Safety teams, and details may be forwarded to the Met Police for their reference. Any additional police cover will be at the discretion of the Metropolitan police.


Outernet London will not be liable for direct or consequential loss or damage to property, theft, or any inconvenience which relates to your event activation.

Outernet London reserves the right to undertake an inspection of the event activation and any associated promotional material. If any element is found to be non-compliant due to quality or health and safety issues, the event activation may be closed until the issues have been satisfactorily resolved.

Outernet London
Outernet Building, London

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